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Child Care for Sunday Religious School Families Attending Nova Music Festival Exhibition

Sunday, September 29, 2024 26 Elul 5784

11:00 AM - 2:30 PMTemple Judea

Join other Sunday Religious School families to experience the Nova Music Festival Exhibition in Culver City. We are providing supervised childcare at Temple Judea for $10/child from 11am - 2:30pm. Children will have a pizza lunch and watch a movie with our educators. 

11:00-12:00 -- Power Hour for a) Power Hour Students b) TK-3rd not enrolled in Power Hour, and c) 4th-6th grade students in our online program.

12:00-2:30 -- Upstairs in Youth Lounge

Tickets to the exhibition to be purchased separately by individual families here

Please include each child's name and grade in the notes.

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Sat, September 28 2024 25 Elul 5784